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Senior Dermatologist Reveals the Acne Diet Plan to control Acne

Acne is a dermatological problem which has annoyed many youngsters. Various Academic associations research to administer the menace of ugly acne. These anti-acne foods can..

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Free Dermatologist Advice on Winter Care Tips: Head to Toe

You have to focus to skin care in winter than all through any other season. Below are beneficial winter skin care tips that will keep your skin soft and radiant.

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This is What Dermatologists Suggests to Protect Skin & Hair From Pollution

We should choose some proven tips in order to guard our skin from such air pollutants. That is why this post focuses on five ways to take care of your skin from the Daily Traffic pollution!

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Basic Hair & Skin Beauty Secrets That Bollywood Actresses Follows

Besides, acting skills of Bollywood celebs we are a fan of their unadulterated beauty and style. The secret behind their flawless skin and shining hair lies in their regular beauty regime.

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Have a Skin Tags, Are they dangerous? This is what Dermatologist answered

Misconceptions keep floating around and many people believe skin tags to be dangerous. Here is what you need to know to be sure about the tiny pop on your skin.

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Chocolates are protecting me from harmful sun rays

Dark skin is a taboo in our in society and chocolate may be helpful in getting fair skin tone. So, now you have a healthy reason to eat chocolates.

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Are you travelling in winter? Follow these 7 dermatologist tips to keep your skin hydrated

Winter and travel are one of the perfect amalgamations. But, this amalgamation comes with certain concerns. Although winter is a good time to travel, yet the skin gets dehydrated fast this time

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Follow Dermatologist Reverse/Slow Aging Methods. IT NEVER FAILS!!

Those fine lines are worrying and so are the wrinkles of aging. The process of aging can~t be stopped, but certain tips can be helpful in controlling it.

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Is Tap Water (Hard Water) Causing Your Skin Rash - Dermatologist Answer is Here!

When people shift to some another city and get rashes or skin problems, they usually blame it on the hard water. But, is that the case? Is it true that hard water is the reason behind your rash?

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Eat more Apples - Burn more fat : This is what my Dermatologist said !!

Apples have always been a savage. By the popular adage, an apple a day is enough to keep the doctor away. And, here is yet another one from the list of benefits of apple: Apple as the fat burner.

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Winters are ruining my hair, Thanks for dermatologist advice, it helps me.

Looking for the proper treatment of your hair but don~t have the right guidance? If you already feel that the winter has started showing its effects on your hair, you must focus on the treatment and care.

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Exposed to Sunscreen & the Skin Faces Some Allergic Reactions. Know the Reason & Solution from a Senior dermatologist.

The sunscreen lotions contain certain chemicals like zinc oxide, oxybenzone, and titanium dioxide which on penetrating the skin cause continuous itching or burn like feel

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Body Builders: Whey Protein Can Cause Acne! Dermatologist Reviews

Along with the various other factors, whey protein is also considered as the factor in increasing acne. Good thing is that it is not a universal risk factor. This means, not everyone who consumes whey protein will have acne.

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Bridal getup & makeup Styles of Bollywood actresses

Every girl dreams to look like her favourite celebrity on the D-day. She wants to wear trendy fashion, but in qualm what will suit her perfectly. The post compiles an amazing list of the best bridal looks

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